Pesach Seder Insights #1- Why Do We Announce the Steps of the Seder?

holidays video Apr 02, 2020



Why do we begin the Seder by announcing all the steps of the Seder that we will complete? On no other chag do we announce the steps of the holiday ritual aloud before proceeding to perform them. On Sukkos, we don’t say: "Lulav, Shofar, Sukkah…", on Purim, we don't say: "Megillah, Mishloach Manos, Matanos Li'Evyonim, Seudah…". So why on the Seder night do we begin by announcing all the different steps of the Seder?


Any great journey begins with a clear goal and destination. As we say every Friday evening in Lecha Dodi, "Sof ma'aseh bi’machshava techilah”- the physical result originates first within the mind. In order to accomplish anything great you must first create a clear target, and only then determine what steps you must take to get there.


The Seder is comprised of 15 steps, which is the same number of steps leading up to the Beis Ha’Mikdash and the same number of "Shir Hamaalos" psalms- the songs of ascension. The Seder is likewise a 15 step process of ascension, a 15 step journey towards spiritual greatness. However, one does not simply achieve spiritual greatness accidentally, it requires focus, planning, and extreme dedication. The Seder night is a journey with tremendous potential, providing an opportunity to tap into something genuinely special. On the Seder night, we attempt to experience true freedom, a fundamentally deeper connection with Hashem, true gratitude, and an understanding of our mission in this world. Only when we lay out the steps of our Pesach Seder and create a clear destination can we achieve the extraordinary.


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